Hello and welcome to the SEND section of the website.
My name is Helen Watson and I am the SENDCo for both of the Federation Schools.
(BEd Hons and National SENDCo Award)
I can be contacted by e-mail at or by telephone
01332 342647 (Central) 01332 371769 (Ashgate)
We have excellent SEND teams at both of our schools who work closely together to share best practice. Our aim is to support and help our children's development, on every level, encouraging them to achieve the best they possibly can.
Send virtual tour - part 1
Send virtual tour - part 2
Across both Schools we are committed to inclusion, working with children to meet their needs in the most appropriate environments for each unique child. We are committed to providing the highest quality care and education for our children with SEND.
- We work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to guarantee that each child's needs are fully met, providing personalised targets, learning plans and regular reviews to ensure that their progress is outstanding
- From building confidence to socialising with peers to taking steps unaided and developing communication - every child has different abilities and needs and is encouraged at every stage by our dedicated teams.
- Each child has a dedicated Key worker, an individual plan, and the appropriate resources, environment, support and strategies to maximise their development and progress.
- Our approach is holistic, examining all aspects of a child's needs and thinking how we can be tailor the provision for each individual.
- We follow the Graduated Response, we observe, assess, plan and implement targets alongside reviewing progress and provision continually for all our children.
- Learning at our Nurseries is active, responsive to children's needs, positively managed and fun for all.
- We enable our children to build the confidence, independence and skills they need to help them start school - mainstream or special education - and also provide all the assistance required to make the transition as smooth and successful as possible.
If you have a child with additional needs and you would like to find out more about what we and the local authority can offer please do contact us. We would be very happy to meet with you, show you around, discuss your child's needs and how we can help.
Send Policy
Click here to visit the SEND page for Ashgate
You will find
- More information about SEND at Ashgate.
- The school's SEND report
Click here to visit the SEND page for Central
You will find
- More information about SEND at Central.
- The school's SEND report
To see Derby City Council's local offer please click here